Brugge Concertgebouw Giacinto Scelsi, Trilogia
Thursday, November 25, 2021
20:00 21:15
Concertgebouw (map)
TRILOGIA, I Tre stadi dell’uomo (1957-1965)
voor cello solo
Triphon: Giovinezza, Energia, Dramma
Dithome: Maturità, Energia, Pensiero
Ygghur: Vecchiaia, Ricordi, Catarsi-Liberazione
Arne Deforce: Cello
Tine Guns: Fotografische beelden
DONDERDAG 25 November 20:00h
Soloconcert op de zolder van het Oud St-Janshospitaal
Mariastraat 38, 8000 Brugge
Programmatie Concertgebouw Brugge
Tickets en info Concertgebouw Brugge
Duur: 60’
Utrecht GAUDEAMUS 2021 Digital Identities Premiere of an new work of Gabriel Paiuk
Friday, September 10, 2021
22:30 23:30
Sound Theory (The Clouds) 2021
Sound Theory (The Clouds) is an audiovisual performance at the intersection of music, cinematography, audio design and theatre infrastructure. It disassembles the protocols and technologies of audiovisual staging to explore the ways in which the spectator engages with the sonorous.
It consists of a ca. 25-minute work for violoncello, soundtrack, multi-layered loudspeaker setup, video and live-video. The locus of the work is the perceptual experience of the spectator, as it is modulated by the protocols of synchronization of the auditory and the visual and the embodied experience of the acoustic. The multi-layered loudspeaker system is not meant to inmerse the listener into a fantasy environment but to expose how our awareness of the sonorous can take different forms.
Composer and sound artist Gabriel Paiuk won the Gaudeamus Award in 2006 with his sound installation Res Extensa – the first time the Award was won with a sound installation. Now he returns with visual artist Sebastián Diaz Morales and cellist Arne Deforce for the premiere of Sound Theory (The Clouds), an audiovisual performance with the bonnet open. Experience how sound can be manipulated and how fiction becomes part of the act of listening. Also visit the corresponding website
Arne Deforce, Cello
Gabriel Paiuk, composition and sound design
Sebastián Diaz Morales , Visual Arts
BRUGGE Concertgebouw Arne Deforce and Hèctor Parra '... limite les revers au-delà' KOSMOS FESTIVAL
Sat, Mar 30, 201920:00 Sun, Mar 31, 201911:00
Concertgebouw (map)
An intergalactic journey in sound, for cello solo and live (surround) electronics
Inspired by the latest discoveries in astrophysics, Catalan composer Hèctor Parra wrote Arne Deforce an unforgettable piece of atmospheric cosmic music. Conceived as a psychoacoustic trip through a gigantic black hole, this work takes us beyond the limits of the known. On the other side of the black hole – like a perplexing paradise – lies the ungraspable world of the holographic universe. Together with sound designer Thomas Goepfer, Arne Deforce creates an extraordinary sound world that gauges the deepest spaces of the universe.
Hèctor Parra (1976)
‘… limite les rêves au-delà’
(commissioned by Concertgebouw Brugge, Grame, Rhurtriennale 2017)
Arne Deforce: cello
Hèctor Parra: Composition
Martin Antiphon (Music Unit) & Thomas Goepfer (Grame-Lyon): sound design
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BRUGGE Concertgebouw Lecture Performance with Thomas Hertog KOSMOS FESTIVAL
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
20:00 21:45
From the Harmony of the Spheres to string theory: 2,500 years of analogies between music and physics
From Pythagoras, to Kepler and Galileo, to Einstein and string theory. From monophonic music to Baroque music to atonality and spectralism. Changing world views seem to go hand in hand with analogous shifts in the composition of music and in thinking about the cosmos. Arne Deforce has been fascinated by the cosmos for years. In Season's Thinker Thomas Hertog, he has found an illustrious sparring partner to join him on a trip through history in word, image and sound.
Van harmonie der sferen tot snaartheorie: 2500 jaar analogieën tussen muziek en natuurwetenschap
Van Pythagoras over Kepler en Galilei tot Einstein en de snaartheorie. Van eenstemmige muziek over barokmuziek tot atonaliteit en spectralisme. Wijzigende wereldbeelden lijken verrassend analoge verschuivingen in zowel het denken over de kosmos als de compositie van muziek in te houden. Arne Deforce is al jarenlang gefascineerd door de kosmos en vindt in Seizoensdenker Thomas Hertog de gereputeerde sparring partner om in woord, beeld en klank een reis door de geschiedenis te maken.
Thomas Hertog
Arne Deforce
Filip Standaert: regie & coaching
Saturday, May 19, 2018
20:00 21:30
Invited by Francesco Giomi, director of the famous festival TEMPO REALE, Arne Deforce will be preforming an adventurous program of live-electronique music. Arne will be playing Horatio Vaggione's virtuous, lucid and radiant piece MYR-S for cello and tape, Raphael Cendo's spectacular, apocalyptic and infra-saturated noise piece FORIS, followed by one of Phill Niblock's ever best drone pieces HARM combined with two of his simultaneously projected films of the series The movement of people working
Biennale Musique en Scène LYON 2017 Arne Deforce - Hèctor Parra '...limite les rêves au-delà'
Friday, March 9, 2018
20:00 21:15
LyonFrance (map)
A 'psycho-acoustic journey' for cello and live-electronics inspired by general relativity, contemporary astrophysics and cosmic topology, black wholes and gravitational waves, the holographic principle and the endless varieties of vibration of the strings of a cello.
Concertgebouw Brugge Focus Pascal Dusapin - Metamorphosis of an Oeuvre
Saturday, January 13, 2018
20:00 22:15
Concertgebouw Brugge (map)
Duo recital Arne Deforce - Benjamin Dieltjens playing works of their latest new AEON Album 'Item' Pascal Dusapin.
La Biennale di Venezia 2017: Arne Deforce - Focus Violoncello
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
20:00 21:30
Biennale di Venezia Sala d'Armi (Arsenale) (map)
Concert of explorative music for cello and live electronics. Works by Raphael Cendo (Fr) and Richard Barrett (GB).
Cello solo: Arne Deforce
Sound design: Centre Henri Pousseur (Patrick Delgès)
RHURTRIIIENNALE 2017 ESSEN Arne Deforce and Hèctor Parra Premiere
Monday, September 4, 2017
20:00 21:15
Rhurtriennale 2017 Maschinenhaus (map)