An album is a universe.
A close listening experience that takes you straight at the center of sound.
I like to create a vision of contemporary music guided by the free unlimited nature and energy of sound as a metaphor for a non-anthropocentric expression of the creative and de(con)structive forces of nature. Its fundamental life-generating principles of reproduction and cyclical repetition and its three modes of change, transformation, mutation and metamorphosis.
Each album I have made is an inner universe with its internal logic, in which one can immerse oneself and discover an aesthetic of new sensitivity to the infinite cosmos of sound.

The ideal listener is one who can marvel at what he hears, explore new musical worlds with an open creative mind, and ultimately become part of the music.
My albums are recorded with the utmost attention to the quality and energy of the sound, to its timbre, its projection, depth and spaciousness. Dimensions that can be experienced up close, at the microphone or at the musician's spot on stage. To gain a total immersion in the music, I recommend listening them repeatedly with good headphones or a good sound system, preferably at a high volume.
Arne Deforce